BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

Questa è una discussione su BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team all'interno del forum Nexus HMR-600W, HMT-600, Ellion HMR-600, Medley 3 Mkv 850n, nella categoria OdosMEDIA;   Regole: Postate solo la traduzione in inglese chiaro e semplice, magari anche con esempi, dei bug, degli errori nella ...

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BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

  1. #1
    Amministratore L'avatar di Galerio
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2009
    Inserzioni Blog

    BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

    Postate solo la traduzione in inglese chiaro e semplice, magari anche con esempi, dei bug, degli errori nella traduzione e delle idee per migliorare l'HMR-600, così da poterle inviare al team di sviluppatori senza che sia io a dover tradurre tutto ogni volta (purtroppo nessun moderatore si è fatto avanti e non è facile mandare avanti un forum da solo). Se ci sono degli errori nelle traduzioni giÃ* postate o pensate si possano riscrivere meglio, riscrivete l'intero pezzo in cui c'è la modifica, così non devo cercar la parola x alla riga y fra le parole w e z... Rendetemi più semplice la vita
    edit: Questo post NON è una discussione, non si fanno domande qui, si DEVE solo segnalare qualcosa di certo e di discusso nella pagina italiana del forum relativa ai bug. Usate la formula:
    Breve titolo descrittivo in neretto
    Descrizione dettagliata del bug o dell'idea con esempi, anche filmati, o screenshot usando un inglese formale e chiaro, senza dire "secondo me" o "forse è colpa" etc.
    Guardate quindi la forma che ho usato qui sotto e usatela anche voi



    • - Channel error
      The DTV channel frequency for Italy must be updated to the following list:
      5, 177500000, 7
      6, 184500000, 7
      7, 191500000, 7
      8, 198500000, 7
      9, 205500000, 7
      10, 212500000, 7
      11, 219500000, 7
      12, 226500000, 7
      21, 474000000, 8
      22, 482000000, 8
      23, 490000000, 8
      24, 498000000, 8
      25, 506000000, 8
      26, 514000000, 8
      27, 522000000, 8
      28, 530000000, 8
      29, 538000000, 8
      30, 546000000, 8
      31, 554000000, 8
      32, 562000000, 8
      33, 570000000, 8
      34, 578000000, 8
      35, 586000000, 8
      36, 594000000, 8
      37, 602000000, 8
      38, 610000000, 8
      39, 618000000, 8
      40, 626000000, 8
      41, 634000000, 8
      42, 642000000, 8
      43, 650000000, 8
      44, 658000000, 8
      45, 666000000, 8
      46, 674000000, 8
      47, 682000000, 8
      48, 690000000, 8
      49, 698000000, 8
      50, 706000000, 8
      51, 714000000, 8
      52, 722000000, 8
      53, 730000000, 8
      54, 738000000, 8
      55, 746000000, 8
      56, 754000000, 8
      57, 762000000, 8
      58, 770000000, 8
      59, 778000000, 8
      60, 786000000, 8
      61, 794000000, 8
      62, 802000000, 8
      63, 810000000, 8
      64, 818000000, 8
      65, 826000000, 8
      66, 834000000, 8
      67, 842000000, 8
      68, 850000000, 8
      69, 858000000, 8
      - Shut down issue: it reboots!
      When you shut down the player, it often doesn't shut down, but it reboots.

      - The video from an analog source is very degraded, both in recordings and in live view (with hmr on). Maybe it could be improved: older recorder can record really better video than hmr. Look at the analog input from the SCART connection, even in real-time, I see that especially in dark scenes the luminance and colour resolution is very poor, as if it were quantized with an insufficient number of bits. In addition, the moving subjects leave a terrifiyng halo behind them, as if subsequent frames were averaged to improve the resolution. Sometimes looking at faces it seems to see a sort of solarizing effect, like some colors are lost and replaced with a near similar ones, with resulting bad color edges.
      Moreover if you carefully look at the SCART input picture you can see blinking small dots, especially inside same colors areas. Looking at the recording video this issue is less evident but they are still visibile.
      Another issue: long the borders between two different colors sometimes you can see a bad dithering effect (see the green circled areas in the picture below). It seems to me a bad handling of a typical composite video input but I was feeding the SCART input with a RGB signal so I suspect that even if a SCART input signal is submitted, just the composite line of the SCART input is used.

    Translation Error for Italian language

    • In "Impostazioni->Registra" you have to change "Differita permanente" in "Time Shift sempre attivo".
      In "Impostazioni->Sistema" you have to change "Formato HDD" in "Formatta HDD".
      In "Impostazioni->Varie" you have to change "Schermo Salvatore" in "Salva Schermo"

    Suggestions and Ideas to improve the player
    • - Channel edit number
      When you choose the channel in recording schedule control panel, you can write only a channel from 1 to 99 with the remote control numeric button. So if you have to set a record on channel 230 you have to use the UP button to manually reach that number.

      - In schedule recording it is better to have a "finish time" based on the hour and not on the duration of the recording.

      - Ability to give a name to each schedule recording (that name could also be automatically setted by EPG) and that name must be used for the recording file (like: "date-time-number-CustomName.ts)

      - Automatic and manual fan control (it's too noisy)

      - Ability to use a USB Keyboard

      - Ability to edit/modify/delete , also from pc, the DTV channel list by using a manual number attribuition: now when you move channel 101 to the second position, if you press number 2 on remote the player doesn't show the channel 101 but the channel that were in second position before the edit. We want that a channel moved to the second position should be recalled by pressing the button 2.

      - Ability to set schedule recording via remote computer.

      - Visual display of remaining time during a video.

      - Better handling of audio settings and video settings (in particular the zoom option: it must be completed with the ability to choose Pan Scan 4:3, Letter Box 4:3, 16:9, 16:10, Fit to screen, Crop, Full Screen and also Panning during a video playback, not only in Setting control panel).

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  2. #2
    Junior L'avatar di vocesolitaria
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2009

    Re: BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

    As already explained in several other posts in this forum, my major concern regarding the HMR600 is related to the analog input. I have chosen this device among others just because it has the ability to record from analog sources, and this is the only way for me to record from the SKY decoder which, together with internet, is my most important source of interesting video material.
    Unfortunately the analog input quality has always been very poor. Besides the intermediate firmware versions where the colours were totally scrambled, in the original firmware release as well as in the last one when I look at the analog input from the SCART connection, even in real-time, I see that especially in dark scenes the luminance and colour resolution is very poor, as if it were quantized with an insufficient number of bits. In addition, the moving subjects leave a terrifiyng halo behind them, as if subsequent frames were averaged to improve the resolution.
    May I hope that this is a problem related to the compression algorithm, that can be solved in the future, and not a hardware limitation of the chipset?

  3. #3
    Donatore L'avatar di ciarpame
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2009

    Re: BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da vocesolitaria
    As already explained in several other posts in this forum, my major concern regarding the HMR600 is related to the analog input. I have chosen this device among others just because it has the ability to record from analog sources, and this is the only way for me to record from the SKY decoder which, together with internet, is my most important source of interesting video material.
    Unfortunately the analog input quality has always been very poor. Besides the intermediate firmware versions where the colours were totally scrambled, in the original firmware release as well as in the last one when I look at the analog input from the SCART connection, even in real-time, I see that especially in dark scenes the luminance and colour resolution is very poor, as if it were quantized with an insufficient number of bits. In addition, the moving subjects leave a terrifiyng halo behind them, as if subsequent frames were averaged to improve the resolution.
    May I hope that this is a problem related to the compression algorithm, that can be solved in the future, and not a hardware limitation of the chipset?
    I completely agree with vocesolitaria. Sometimes looking at faces it seems to see a sort of solarizing effect, like some colors are lost and replaced with a near similar ones, with resulting bad color edges.

    Moreover if you carefully look at the SCART input picture you can see blinking small dots, especially inside same colors areas. Looking at the recording video this issue is less evident but they are still visibile.

    Another issue: long the borders between two different colors sometimes you can see a bad dithering effect (see the green circled areas in the picture below). It seems to me a bad handling of a typical composite video input but I was feeding the SCART input with a RGB signal so I suspect that even if a SCART input signal is submitted, just the composite line of the SCART input is used.

    I seems that all these issue are not related to compression quality since you just need to select the SCART input to see them, even without recording it.

  4. #4
    Junior L'avatar di nagahi2
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2010

    Re: BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

    could install driver for external usb DVD players-recorders
    and for PCMCIA readers ... so acces to PayPerView DTV programs


  5. #5
    Junior L'avatar di syluss
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2009

    Re: BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

    Hello everybody,

    Excuse me because I am writing in English but I am Spanish and I do not Know Italian.

    In many NAS devices, the boot includes a script called FunPlug. FunPlug permit users will have the opportunity to upload their own applications, including BitTorrent, newsgroups, electronic mail servers, or websites such as iTunes Store on Apple's line, and so on.

    You can install applications that you want on the hard disk , and when you boot from the flash this script load those applications from your hard drive.

    I tried to locate the software but for now I could not, I put it here because I think it might be very interesting and together we could locate and deploy it before.

    Have a good one

  6. #6
    Junior L'avatar di brechtb
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2010

    Re: BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team


    I have noticed that when I play some mp3 files the sound is distorted. When I play them again, the distortion is gone.
    My HMR600-W is connected via HDMI to an Onkyo Tx SR606 receiver. Also, the distortion goes away when I unplug the hdmi cable and plug it in again during the song.

    The changelog of FW 505 states:

    El changelog oficial es:
    . DVB-T MPEG-4 Scan issue improved for Hungarian market
    . Digital Channel scanning problem improved for Lithuania market
    . Blu-ray. HDDVD iso file supported
    . Folder Playback feature added
    . Time setup for daylight-saving (Summer time) season improved
    . MPEG2,VOB format video file playback and auto-reboot phenomena improved

    Changelog no oficial:
    Muestra datos de los videos en el navegador.
    Mejora de los fallos con la entrada SCART (parece que no solucionados del todo).
    Cambios en la estructura de carpetas interna.
    El modificador de canales no funciona con el fichero que genera ahora (pero si tienes uno guardado de versiones anteriores lo puedes poner sin problemas).
    FTP muestra toda la estructura de ficheros y no solo la parte externa.
    Corregido el problema de los MP3 por salida digital.
    Corregidos los resets de La 1 y A3.
    Corregidos resets random y al apagar.

    A rough translation for entry in red would be: Solution for mp3 for digital signal. Can anyone confirm that this is in fact the same problem I have?

    * I dont speak spanish, nor italian (only dutch, french and english)) but I understand some of it...


    I currently have FW 505 installed, but no solution to the problem

  7. #7
    Donatore L'avatar di pertecara
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2009

    Re: BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da brechtb

    I have noticed that when I play some mp3 files the sound is distorted. When I play them again, the distortion is gone.
    My HMR600-W is connected via HDMI to an Onkyo Tx SR606 receiver. Also, the distortion goes away when I unplug the hdmi cable and plug it in again during the song.

    The changelog of FW 505 states:

    Changelog no oficial:
    Muestra datos de los videos en el navegador.
    Mejora de los fallos con la entrada SCART (parece que no solucionados del todo).
    Cambios en la estructura de carpetas interna.
    El modificador de canales no funciona con el fichero que genera ahora (pero si tienes uno guardado de versiones anteriores lo puedes poner sin problemas).
    FTP muestra toda la estructura de ficheros y no solo la parte externa.
    Corregido el problema de los MP3 por salida digital.
    Corregidos los resets de La 1 y A3.
    Corregidos resets random y al apagar.

    A rough translation for entry in red would be: Solution for mp3 for digital signal. Can anyone confirm that this is in fact the same problem I have?

    * I dont speak spanish, nor italian (only dutch, french and english)) but I understand some of it...


    I currently have FW 505 installed, but no solution to the problem
    In red you can translate:

    Digital output for MP3 problem fixed

    Hope this firmware can solve your distortion problem


  8. #8
    Junior L'avatar di brechtb
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2010

    Re: BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da pertecara
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da brechtb

    I have noticed that when I play some mp3 files the sound is distorted. When I play them again, the distortion is gone.
    My HMR600-W is connected via HDMI to an Onkyo Tx SR606 receiver. Also, the distortion goes away when I unplug the hdmi cable and plug it in again during the song.

    The changelog of FW 505 states:

    Changelog no oficial:
    Muestra datos de los videos en el navegador.
    Mejora de los fallos con la entrada SCART (parece que no solucionados del todo).
    Cambios en la estructura de carpetas interna.
    El modificador de canales no funciona con el fichero que genera ahora (pero si tienes uno guardado de versiones anteriores lo puedes poner sin problemas).
    FTP muestra toda la estructura de ficheros y no solo la parte externa.
    Corregido el problema de los MP3 por salida digital.
    Corregidos los resets de La 1 y A3.
    Corregidos resets random y al apagar.

    A rough translation for entry in red would be: Solution for mp3 for digital signal. Can anyone confirm that this is in fact the same problem I have?

    * I dont speak spanish, nor italian (only dutch, french and english)) but I understand some of it...


    I currently have FW 505 installed, but no solution to the problem
    In red you can translate:

    Digital output for MP3 problem fixed

    Hope this firmware can solve your distortion problem

    Thx for the translation.

    Anyone has the same problem? Or could it be a bad hdmi cable?

  9. #9
    Amministratore L'avatar di Galerio
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2009
    Inserzioni Blog

    Re: BUG, ERROR, IDEAS in English for Developer Team

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da brechtb

    Thx for the translation.

    Anyone has the same problem? Or could it be a bad hdmi cable?
    This is not the right place where to talk about your problem. So open a NEW post in the forum (you can speak English, it is not a problem), but DON'T reply to other post where you are OFF TOPIC. OK?


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